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Journal Articles: 


Coull J.L. (2014). Control & Surrender: Negotiating the Risks and Rewards of Online Performances and Images. The International Journal of The Image, 4(3), 37-48.


Book Chapter Contributions: 


Freeman, J (Ed). (2015) Remaking Memory: Autoethanography, Memoir and The Ethics of Self. Oxfordshire: Libri Publishing.


Theses & Dissertations:


Coull, Jamie Lee. (2016), Doctoral Thesis: Faux Queens: an exploration of gender, sexuality and queerness in cis-female drag queen performances. Curtin University of Technology, Australia.


Coull, Jamie Lee. (2011), Honours Degree Thesis: Experience, Confidence & Anxiety: Solidified and Emergent Leadership Hierarchies in Collaborative Devising. Curtin University of Technology, Australia.


Play scripts: 


Coull, Jamie Lee. (2016), Agorafaux-pas!:  A Drag Cabaret. Curtin University of Technology, Australia.


Conference Presentations/ Participation: 


Coull, Jamie Lee. Queer/Camp/Feminist/Faux: How might faux queen performances resist re-incorporation into dominant ideology and maintain the ontological challenge of queer? “Interventions: Women’s Studies in Action” The Department of Women’s Studies Graduate Student Association Symposium at The University of Maryland, MD, 23-24 October 2015.


Coull, Jamie Lee. Agorafaux-pas! Cultural Implications when cis-women perform female drag. (Poster), “Thinking Gender” 25th Annual Graduate Student Conference UCLA, CA, 23-24 April 2015.


Coull, Jamie Lee; Snyder, C; Griff, C; McClure, S; McKinna, L. Agorafaux-pas! Creative Responses to The Faux Queen Moment (Alternative Format Presentation), The 22ndAnnual Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender & Women’s Studies International Graduate Conference, University of Rochester, NY, 19-20 March 2015.


Coull, Jamie Lee. Werq in Process, 14th Humanities Postgraduate Research Conference, Curtin University, Perth, WA, 14-15 November 2013.


Coull, Jamie Lee. Control and Surrender: Negotiating the Risks and Rewards of Online Performances and Images, Fourth International Conference on The Image, Chicago, Ill, 18-19 October 2013.


Coull, Jamie Lee. In the Wrong Body: The Theoretically Catastrophic Performance of the Faux Queen, CREATEC Symposium: Catastrophe and Creativity, Perth, WA, 8-9 November 2012.

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